Our Sectors

Agriculture and Production Horticulture
Covers all forms of agricultural and horticultural production including: broadacre farming and cropping; fruit and vegetable growing. Livestock farming includes dairy cattle, poultry, pigs, beekeeping, sheep farming and beef cattle farming. This sector is primarily regional based and has a high proportion of family-owned and managed businesses.
Animal Care & Management
This sector incorporates all aspects of the breeding, health and welfare of domestic and wild animals. It includes veterinary services, animal behavior and training, wildlife (including exhibited zoo animals), pet and companion animal services, and animal technology.
Green Skills & Landscape Horticulture
Includes Ecosystem Management, Conservation, Landscaping and Gardening. This involves the preservation, protection or restoration of the natural environment and wildlife. It includes landcare, wetlands management, marine conservation, environmental management, and mine-site rehabilitation. Urban horticulture includes sports turf, arboriculture, landscaping and gardening.
Meat and Seafood
This industry sector includes red meat, pork and chicken processing, retail butchery, wild game harvesting. Seafood operations include commercial fishing; onshore and offshore aquaculture; fisheries compliance; and seafood processing and distribution.
Forest & Forest Products
Involves the growing, managing and processing of trees, timber and wood processing and building solutions such as sawmilling, wood chopping, timber merchandising, timber manufactured products and timber truss and frame.
Sustainable Furnishings
This sector covers a diverse number of areas including glass and glass product manufacturing and installation, manufacturing of windows and doors, cabinetry and furniture blinds and screens, manufacturing and installation of flooring, kitchen and bathroom cabinetry, upholstery including mattress manufacturing and interior design and decoration. It also includes niche wood products such as coopering, picture framing, instrument making, piano tuning and coffins. Jobs in this sector include cabinet makers, upholsterers, glaziers, furniture makers, designers, fabricators, machinists, production managers. WA businesses provide services to both the commercial and domestic construction industries.
Racing and Horse breeding
The industry covers racing authority operation, racehorse and race dog breeding, ownership and training, and racetrack and race club operation.
Manufactured Textiles & Fashion
The Textiles, Clothing and Footwear (TCF) industry can be grouped into three broad areas: textile production and manufacturing, such as cotton, wool, leather and fur production, clothing and footwear production and services to the TCF industry such as designers, dry-cleaning and laundry. This sector also covers the manufacturing of specialised textile products such as canvas and sails.