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Our Services

The Food Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council is well placed to assist industry with their workforce and skill development needs.  Our staff are well informed about federal and state government priorities.  We receive a vast array of information from our networks and have a sound knowledge of developments in the vocational and education sector.

Industry Advocacy

By providing the government with up to date information on industry trends, changing skill needs and barriers to education and training, we can assist industry to advocate for changes to funding and policies.   

To help us obtain this information, please visit our "Have your Say" web page.  We follow up ALL contributions and will be in touch.

Advice to Industry

We can advise industry about about training developments including; national training policy, funding arrangements, apprenticeship and traineeship changes, regulatory changes, and training product development.

We can help you navigate the WA and Australian VET system to obtain relevant information and assistance.

We can help facilitate partnerships between industry and the training sector.  

We can help identify industry's skill and workforce needs.  

We can help identify and develop innovative approaches to industry skill development needs.  

Please contact any of our staff to discuss further 

The information gathered through these groups and the industry associations is delivered to the Department of Training and Workforce Development, the State Training Board, and the Minister for Training and Career Centres, making the Industry Advisory Groups an excellent vehicle for your voice to be heard in regard to training issues.


By becoming a member of the Food, Fibre & Timber Industries Training Council, you will have a voice with a peak industry advisory group.

Reports and Submissions

Find a comprehensive list of all our reports & submissions.

The Constitution of the Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council (WA) Inc has been formulated in consultation with our Members and adheres to the Associations Incorporation Bill (2014).  Any changes to our Constitution are a direct result of either our members input or regulatory requirements.

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