FFTI Nimble News 3 April 2018 Featured in this issue: New Beekeeping & Pet Grooming Traineeships: Endorsed by the Hon. Minister Sue Ellery Beekeeping Training: Accredited training in beekeeping is now available in WA Discussion Paper from National Farmers Federation – Talking 2030, Growing agriculture into a $100 billion industry Plan, Prepare and Prosper workshops: ‘Financial Management’ at the New Norcia Hotel on 3 May between 9:30 and 3:30. Provided by DPIRD, these workshops are free for farming and food processing businesses New grant to help farmers contribute to a sustainable WA forestry future Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) is undertaking an inquiry into reform of business and occupational licensing in WA. Consultation closes 3 April 2017 Export Services Portal: a central source of information to better equip Western Australian agrifood and fisheries exporters to develop their business Perth Garden Festival – 12-15 April 2018, McCallum Park Meat Processing Mentoring: The Industry Specialist Mentoring for Australian Apprentices (ISMAA) program will provide intensive support to apprentices and trainees in the first two years of their training in the Australian meat processing industry IBSA Survey - Furnishing Industry key trends - Have your say on key trends and skills needs in the Furnishing Industry Pest Management: The final draft Unit of Competence for applying poison baits for vertebrate pest control in rural and environmental landscapes is now available for validation Work Safely Around Animals (Infection Control): The final draft skill set and 12 Units of Competency are now available for validation Meat Processing: Skills Impact is seeking feedback on their draft Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work for the meat industry
Featured in this issue: New Beekeeping & Pet Grooming Traineeships: Endorsed by the Hon. Minister Sue Ellery Beekeeping Training: Accredited training in beekeeping is now available in WA Discussion Paper from National Farmers Federation – Talking 2030, Growing agriculture into a $100 billion industry Plan, Prepare and Prosper workshops: ‘Financial Management’ at the New Norcia Hotel on 3 May between 9:30 and 3:30. Provided by DPIRD, these workshops are free for farming and food processing businesses New grant to help farmers contribute to a sustainable WA forestry future Economic Regulation Authority (ERA) is undertaking an inquiry into reform of business and occupational licensing in WA. Consultation closes 3 April 2017 Export Services Portal: a central source of information to better equip Western Australian agrifood and fisheries exporters to develop their business Perth Garden Festival – 12-15 April 2018, McCallum Park Meat Processing Mentoring: The Industry Specialist Mentoring for Australian Apprentices (ISMAA) program will provide intensive support to apprentices and trainees in the first two years of their training in the Australian meat processing industry IBSA Survey - Furnishing Industry key trends - Have your say on key trends and skills needs in the Furnishing Industry Pest Management: The final draft Unit of Competence for applying poison baits for vertebrate pest control in rural and environmental landscapes is now available for validation Work Safely Around Animals (Infection Control): The final draft skill set and 12 Units of Competency are now available for validation Meat Processing: Skills Impact is seeking feedback on their draft Skills Forecast and Proposed Schedule of Work for the meat industry