FFTI Nimble News 25 Sep 2018

Featured in this issue:
Greengrocery Traineeship? We are working to establish this Traineeship in WA. To have the Traineeship approved and funded there needs to be evidence of industry support. Please give us your thoughts by completing the survey by 28 September 2018.
Baking Assistant Traineeship? Recent feedback has indicated a level of support for the creation of this Traineeship. To have the Traineeship approved and funded there needs to be evidence of industry support. Please give us your thoughts by completing the survey by
28 September 2018.
Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council Annual General Meeting 10 October 2018
Media Statement: First regional Jobs and Skills Centre launched in Kalgoorlie
The Business Station: LinkedIn for Small Business October 24 Gosnells
Partners in Grain – Being a Better Boss workshop – October 11 Ravensthorpe