Industry Advisory Group Meetings 5 Nov 2018

The end of 2018 is rapidly approaching and we will be hosting a round of Industry Advisory Group meetings in November. The group, dates & times are as follows:
Rural Production - Wed. 14 November at 10.00am
Food & Beverage / Seafood - Thurs. 15 November at 10.00am
Conservation & Land Management / Horticulture - Fri. 16 November at 10.00am
Animal Care & Management - Fri. 16 November at 2.30pm
Textiles, Clothing, Footwear & Allied Services - Wed. 21 November at 10.00am
Furnishing - Thurs. 29 November at 3.30pm
All of the above meetings will be held at 6/800 Albany Hwy, East Victoria Park. Parking is available at 'The Park' shopping centre (nearest Priceline Pharmacy).
The agenda items are as follows:
The new State Training Plan
Outcomes of State Priority Occupations List
Sector Snapshot and Workforce Development Priorities
2019 Skills Forecasts
Training Package update and issues
VET delivery in schools
Industry specific items
We welcome suggested agenda items and if you intend to participate in any of the above meetings, let us know by contacting us.
Teleconference facilities are available if you are unable to attend in person. Let us know if you plan on dialing in and we'll provide you with the contact details.
We thank you for your input and support.