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FFTI Nimble News 30 Jan 2019

Featured in this issue:

  1. Media Statement: Hon Sue Ellery McGowan Government continuing to rebuild training sector

  2. New Report from the State Training Board (see Media Statement above) – “Strategies to grow apprenticeships and traineeships in Western Australia”

  3. New arrangements for Trade Certificates for Interstate Tradespeople

  4. Department of Training and Workforce Development VET Stakeholders Forum 25 February 2019

  5. New Report Prepared by AlphaBeta for Google Australia: FUTURE SKILLS To adapt to the future of work, Australians will undertake a third more education and training and change what, when and how we learn

  6. Prime Minister's Prizes for Science: Nominations for 2019 open 6 February. These prizes are Australia’s most prestigious awards for outstanding achievements in scientific research, research-based innovation, and excellence in science teaching

  7. Nominations are open for WA Women’s Hall of Fame. Do you know of an amazing WA Women who deserves recognition?

  8. Job Outlook: Handy website for school leavers, teachers and career practitioners

  9. Muresk Institute - Emerging Leaders In Agriculture, Technology And Enterprise (ELATE) Program. This program will be delivered over three blocks: 19-22 February, 19-22 March, 11-14 June 2019

  10. WA Farmers Livestock Field Day and Forum: an opportunity for Wheatbelt farmers to hear more about some of the innovations in the sheep industry

  11. What are the priority skills in your industry sector? IRC Skills Forecasts identify skills gaps, emerging skills needs and associated training needs for industry and determine whether there is a need to change training packages (i.e. units of competency, skill sets and qualifications). Have your say

  12. Skills Impact Perth Consultation Workshop - Animal Technology project 18 February 2019

  13. Abstracts due 18 February 2019 for NCVERs 28th National Vocational Education and Training Research Conference 'No Frills' with TAFE SA in Adelaide on 10-12 July 2019

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