Have your say! Growing Skills for Industry 5 Mar 2019

Does your industry have the workforce it needs to be future ready?
Have you had problems getting the right person for the right job?
Would you like to influence government decisions regarding training?
The Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council is undertaking research into workforce skills and training issues that are impacting businesses and industry in WA.
Our information will inform the WA Government and support the development of strategies ensuring that industry’s skills needs are met and that businesses have access to the skilled people they need.
Tell us your story:
In person – we will come to you (For regional businesses, we may need to phone);
Phone us (08 9361 2800) or email us at suggestions@fftitc.com.au; or
You can answer a few short questions in our survey below.
The Food, Fibre and Timber industries Training Council is funded by the WA Government and provides advice to the State Training Board and
The Council undertakes a number of activities which include:
Providing industry-based research to inform strategic directions, policy and priorities for WA’s training system.
Identifying emerging and exisiting issues that impact on the industry skills and workforce development.
We have an extensive network of industry stakeholders who join our Industry Advisory Groups (IAGs). Our IAGs provide us with robust, current information on the workforce and skills of their respective industries.
Our IAGs meet 2 to 3 times per year and also corresponds via email and phone.
Our industries
1. Animal Care and Management
2. Conservation and Land Management
3. Food and Beverages Processing
4. Furnishing
5. Forest and Forest Products
6. Horticulture
7. Agriculture Production
8. Seafood
9. Textiles Clothing and Footwear
10. Laundry and Dry Cleaning
So, if you are passionate about the skills of our industry, please join our IAGs. To join, contact our CEO Kay Gerard at kay.gerard@fftitc.com.au. For further information give Kay a call on the number below.
Growing Skills for Industry
fftitc.com.au | 08 9361 2800 | suggestions@fftitc.com.au