FFTI Nimble News 29 Jul 2019
The Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council use Nimble News as an information
service to our stakeholders. It’s a collection of news and information we get from our network. We hope you enjoy the content. We appreciate any feedback (good and bad) to help us improve Nimble News, so let us know your thoughts. Any feedback can be sent to us at suggestions@fftitc.com.au
Inside this edition:
(Please click on the individual post to access the information)
For Private RTOs:
Regional Economic Development (RED) Grants Program – Now Open:
Rural Production Industry Advisory Group:
CEDA Lunch:
“Industry 4.0 what does it mean for jobs and skills” NCVER:
Apprenticeships and traineeships:
Fresh Seafood Training:
Forestry industry survey:
Forestry/Timber Industry:
Biosecurity and Emergency Response:
Conservation and land management:
Help your business succeed:
Free workplace advice for small business
Smart textiles to fight mosquitoes:
Marine Waters:
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