FFTI Nimble News 6 Oct 2019
The Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council use Nimble News as an information
service to our stakeholders. It’s a collection of news and information we get from our network. We hope you enjoy the content. We appreciate any feedback (good and bad) to help us improve Nimble News, so let us know your thoughts. Any feedback can be sent to us at suggestions@fftitc.com.au
October is National Safe Work Month
Be a Safety Champion for your workplace. For more information and lots of free resources, please go to Safe Workplace Australia.
Also inside this edition:
(Please click on the individual post to access the information)
New training, job search and career planning information and resources for Aboriginal people: The Jobs and Skills WA website has a range of great resources that could be used by career practitioner
Grant Opportunity: Manufacturing Modernisation Fund. Provides small and medium manufacturing enterprises with co-funding of between $50,000 and $1,000,000 for capital investments and associated reskilling to modernise manufacturing processes, adopt new technologies, become more productive and create jobs. Applications close 31 October 2019
Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre: New Report “Future-Proofing the WA Economy, A roadmap to industrial diversification and regional growth”
Federal Government Review of senior secondary school pathways. Discussion paper released on 20 September and submissions close 7th December 2019,
COAG Skills Council:
Employing seasonal workers correctly: Making it easier to understand your workplace rights and obligations in the industry.
Federal Government Review of National Skills Needs List: The National Skills Needs List determines eligibility to receive additional Australian Government financial assistance to take on an apprentice/ trainee in occupations experiencing skills shortages. The List is being reviewed and input from industry, employer groups and other stakeholders is sought.
Training Package Consultations for Horticulture and Nursery industry and Rural Merchandising and Sales: Hosted by Skills Impact, Perth, 16 October 2019
Large Animal Rescue Training: Learn how to safely rescue animals from difficult and dangerous situations. https://mailchi.mp/westnet/tlar-course-2020?e=584709d5d6
Dry ageing meat Workshop 11 October 2019:
Green Walls & Rooftop Gardens:
Animal Welfare for Meat Processors:
Animal Welfare:
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