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FFTI Nimble News 16 Mar 2020

Here is a collection of news we get from our network that we think you'll want to know about. We hope you enjoy.


National Agricultural Workforce Strategy:

The recently formed National Agricultural Labour Advisory Committee is preparing a National Agricultural Workforce Strategy for consideration by the Government. The strategy will recommend potential actions to address the future workforce needs of the: • agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries • closely allied service and supply chain industry sectors.

A discussion paper has been released and people are being encouraged to have their say.

WATCH THIS SPACE. The Food Fibre & Timber Industries Training Council is in discussions with the federal government about how our Industry Advisory Groups can assist with consultation in WA. We will keep everyone updated as more information comes to light.


Employing an Apprentice or Trainee:

Fair Work Information Statement:

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Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council

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