FFTI Nimble News 16 Mar 2020
Here is a collection of news we get from our network that we think you'll want to know about. We hope you enjoy.
National Agricultural Workforce Strategy:
The recently formed National Agricultural Labour Advisory Committee is preparing a National Agricultural Workforce Strategy for consideration by the Government. The strategy will recommend potential actions to address the future workforce needs of the: • agriculture, fisheries and forestry industries • closely allied service and supply chain industry sectors.
A discussion paper has been released and people are being encouraged to have their say.

WATCH THIS SPACE. The Food Fibre & Timber Industries Training Council is in discussions with the federal government about how our Industry Advisory Groups can assist with consultation in WA. We will keep everyone updated as more information comes to light.
For Career Practitioners: Career Industry Council of Australia is conducting a survey to gain a better understanding of career development services in Australia. If you are a career advisor, have your say.
Employing an Apprentice or Trainee:
Fulbright professional scholarship in vocational education and training: This scholarship suits employees within the VET sector or training leaders in business and industry. It involves the undertaking of an educational program concerning current vocational education and training policy or practice, such as a short course and/or research. (for 3-4 months) Visible Farmer Video: “Championing women in the agricultural sector” – View their latest video “Building Bridges - Annabelle Coppin, pastoralist, Yarrie Station, Pilbara”
Fair Work Information Statement:
Rural and Regional Enterprise Scholarships Program: Scholarship program open to students from regional and remote areas in Australia to undertake a tertiary course, open to all fields of study the scholarships are for Certificate IV to PhD courses. NCVER’s No Frills Conference in Perth:
TAC Report Third Party Arrangements: Training Accreditation Council (TAC) recently released the findings of a strategic review into third party arrangements established by RTOs.
Skills Impact Update Feb 2020: Update on the progress of various projects and activities to support Industry Reference Committees (IRCs) assigned to Skills Impact.
Introduction to Beekeeping: Muresk Institute 4 April 2020. Suitable for small landholders, rural property owners and people with a general interest in beekeeping
Creating an Online Shop – a workshop: This workshop provided by the Small Business Development Commission and Belmont BEC on the 19th March in Mt Lawley - only $20.
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Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council