FFTITC Nimble News 10th May 2021
Funding available for environmental employment opportunities
Not-for-profit organisations, Aboriginal organisations, and local government authorities across WA are invited to apply for funding for on-ground works such as fencing, weeding, seeding and planting. The aim is to create employment opportunities while achieving habitat restoration and protection of existing vegetation in areas of intensive land use.
New Industries Fund: Innovation Vouchers Program grants
For Rockingham Employers! Shape Your Future Careers Expo Friday 28th May
If you are an employer and want to attract workers, the Rockingham Jobs and Skills Centre is hosting a careers expo. To register click here: https://www.southmetrotafe.wa.edu.au/shape-your-future-careers-expo-2021-exhibitor-registration
New heavy vehicle driving operations skill set

FairWork Ombudsman – Understanding Piecework agreements for the Horticultural industry.
Merredin will be the home of Western Australia's first Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hub.
Don’t miss out! Scholarship opportunity! WAFARMERS BOOTCAMP TO EMPLOYMENT
Scientists Create Wood That Generates Useful Amounts of Electricity
Something a bit different…..Another amazing story about technology uses for wood. Courtesy of Forbes
Load restraint public education campaign launches
BPW Lebanon Disaster Appeal - Sewing machines needed.
Building your Business Brand – $20 Workshop, Subiaco, 20th May, 9:30am
Health & safety - Creating a safe workplace for you, your employees and customers you will minimise injuries and illness.
We hope that this has been of some assistance.