FFTITC Nimble News 2nd August 2021
We want to be more SOCIAL!!
We love social media but we can’t do it alone!
We will share and like (within reason) and follow you back!
Please help us be more social, Click below:
Other Nimble News Stories:
SkillsWest Careers & Employment Expo 26-28 August 2021
Scholarship opportunity: Manufacturing Skills Australia
Funding available for business improvement – WA’s Local Capability Fund
A feel good and enlightening TED Talk “How every child can thrive by five”
"What if I was to tell you that a game of peek-a-boo could change the world?" asks seven-year-old Molly Wright, one of the youngest-ever TED speakers.
Australian Native Seed Sector Strategy
Employing someone using a chainsaw?
Career Development Association of Australia (WA Branch) “Good Theory Good Practice” 11 September 2021
6 rude emails you may be sending without realising.
For our Kimberley Stakeholders - Kimberley Economic Forum 18/19 August 2021
We hope that this has been of some assistance.