Nimble News 15 November 2023
Updating ANZSCO
(the classification of occupations)
The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) is reviewing ANZSCO. These codes inform decisions made at all government levels including industry support, tax breaks, skilled migration lists, apprenticeships, traineeships and more. We are keen for industry to have a say.
Industry can provide feedback to correct issues such as incorrectly described occupations; incorrect skill levels; and occupations that are not yet in ANZSCO.
Several occupations relevant to the Food, Fibre and Timber Industries are under review. Skills Insight (the National Skills Council) has identified relevant occupations by industry on its website.
If you would like to comment you can go directly to the ABS website to make your own submission by 5 Dec, or if you prefer you can provide comments to us for inclusion in our submission via Skills Insight. Email by 21st Nov.
Other Nimble News Stories:
Additional places added to the Group Training Organisation Wage Subsidy Program
Perth Zoo marks successful completion of first year of aboriginal trainee program
Growers needed for research to assess regenerative agriculture
Have your say: Future Drought Fund
2024 Skills Priority List (SPL) – Stakeholder Survey
For horticulturalists: Gnangara Horticulture Water Use Efficiency Grants
For small businesses: simple sustainability solutions
Carbon Positive Australia has tools and courses to help calculate and reduce or offset your carbon emissions.
For farmers: On Farm Connectivity Information Service
New report: Survey of Employers’ Use and Views of the VET System
New research finds the ‘part-time promotion cliff’ limits career progression
Textiles event: Closing the loop on clothing forum
For FFTITC office visitors (and anyone driving in Perth, south of the river)
The Armadale train line shutdown begins next week so allow extra travel time, be patient and stay safe.
We hope that this has been of some assistance.