Nimble News 16 November 2022

AgDay 2022
National Agricultural Day is this Friday 18th November. It’s a chance to celebrate and learn about Australia’s incredible farm sector.
Students considering a career should check out the following resources:
From farmers to fruit graders, Career Harvest lists over 70 occupations in agriculture and the qualifications needed.
Agriculture vocational courses available in WA:
For teachers, this website has lots of classroom resources, e-learning that you can embed in your curriculum.
For our youngest learners there are some great teaching resources here.
Other Nimble News Stories:
For Business Owners:
New Report: The workforce challenge in agribusiness in Australia
Very interesting report from Agribusiness Australia with some very interesting recommendations!
New Report from CEDA: Mental Health and the Workplace: How can Employers Improve Productivity through Wellbeing
New Podcast by the Training Accreditation Council
For RTOs: Have your say: Review of RTO Standards
For Lecturers: a new webinar:
Interesting Stats from the ABS:
Call out for Sewing Machines, Overlockers to assist Afghan Womens’ Sewing Project
If you have any unused, or old equipment, please contact The Textile, Clothing and Footwear Resource Centre of Western Australia.A shipping container will be sent to help Afghan Women.To find out more email
Australia Training Awards 2022: Finalists announced
For future VET students
We are looking forward to seeing the new look Armadale campus, which is getting a $39 million investment in a purpose-built training centre.
Have your say: Conservation and use of wild Sandalwood
Interesting article from HRM online
Something a bit different: What are rainbows?
We hope that this has been of some assistance. Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council.