Nimble News 17th January 2022

The FFTITC Team have all returned to work refreshed and enthused for 2022!
Our aim is for our industries to have a workforce development environment that encourages growth and innovation for today and for the future.
And we hope that by providing the WA government with high-level strategic advice and leadership on the workforce development needs of our Industries, we are positively influencing policy and funding decisions.
We have again been asked by the WA Government to provide input into their 2022 WA Jobs, Education and Training/State Priority Occupation research and we will shortly be asking our stakeholders to provide us with current information on labour and skill shortages, skills gaps, employment barriers etc.
We would love to hear your thoughts and ideas on:
What do you think is needed to improve the skills of your industry? Have you found it difficult finding the right staff member and do you think there are skill shortages?
Have you found it difficult accessing quality training?
If you are an training provider, what do you think is needed to improve qualifications?
If you have any feedback, please have your say and click here.
New! Traineeships guide for employers
New Government Grant for Food and Beverage Manufacturers
“Four Cs’ the key to skills demanded by our shifting workforce
Looking to work in Regional WA? Financial Assistance is provided.
For Career Practitioners: New Publication “Adolescents combining school and part-time employment Growing Up in Australia Snapshot Series”
New Horticulture Course at UWA
Something a bit different from Fast Company:
Good News story – 2021 Heywire winner Cindy-Lee
A Blog from Gihan Perera, a Perth Futurist: The Three Unwritten Rules for Success in 2022
Skills Impact Update – Qualification updates and reviews.
For RTOs: VDC’s Professional Learning Program
We hope that this has been of some assistance.