Nimble News 31 January 2022
2022’s Industry Workforce and Training Needs Research
As mentioned in our last edition of our Nimble News, the Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council will be commencing research for the WA government.
Here’s a short video explaining what we need from you and how we are going to do it. You will be contacted shortly by Paul and Janine but in the interim, if you want to Have Your Say, please send an email to:
Or if you want to chat, phone our office on 9361 2800
Jobs and Skills WA
Fair Work Ombudsman – Best Practice Guides to help with HR
Free Business Advisory Service
WA’s Food Innovation Precinct – Funding available through its Enterprise Support Program
Busy at Work’s Video – School Based Apprenticeships.
Tertiary Access Payment – funding for Rural and Remote students.
ABARES Outlook 2022 conference: Growing agriculture through innovation and sustainability
Food Safety Governance Course
For Job Seekers - Employability Skills Training providers run courses that get people skilled and ready for work
Something a bit different - Be a part of research – Annual Pantry Blitz
Intro to Agronomy Course
We hope that this has been of some assistance. Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council