Nimble News 5 April 2023
WA Jobs and Employment Survey
The FFTITC Team finished off our submission to the WA government on the workforce and skill issues of our industries. We provided 9 Industry overviews and commented on 79 occupations. There were some very clear cross industry themes:
Most industries are experiencing labour and skill shortages, with them impacting the ability of businesses to provide quality services and achieve business growth.
Many employers don’t know how to navigate the training sector and don’t know where to go for information.
Regional stakeholders talked about the difficulty in accessing training and because of small student numbers, local training providers often can’t offer suitable qualifications.
Training is becoming critical in many industries to keep abreast of advances in technology and new processes.
Employers find signing up apprentices and trainees cumbersome and need more support in finding suitable recruits. There needs to be better transitioning from school to workplaces.
Plus many more…..
We are currently going through our notes to identify potential solutions that we can do to help industry and to develop a 12 month activity plan. More to come about this.
We’d like to thank all our stakeholders for their input. We are very lucky to have an enthusiastic network who want to see their industries thrive now and in the future. If you want to talk to the team about any of this, please give us a call on 9361 2800.
Other Nimble News Stories:
Cabinet Making & Glazing Apprentices: Funding opportunity
Have your say: Foundation skills Jobs and Skills Australia is inviting comment on their discussion paper about adult literacy, numeracy, and digital skills. Due date is 24 April. Have your say: Agricultural emissions reduction survey
Have your say: Phase out of live sheep exports by sea
National Farmer Wellbeing Report 2023
For Agriculturalists
NCVER Research Messages
For employers
An interesting read from The Conversation
Workpower Inc. acquires Activ WA worksites
Animal welfare grants round now open
Feasibility Grants for food and beverage manufacturing businesses
Nature Repair Market Bill introduced to federal parliament
Dogs’ Refuge Home Annual Street Appeal
We hope that this has been of some assistance.