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Australian Apprenticeships Support Network providers (AASNs)
Australian Apprenticeships Support Network providers (AASNs) are contracted by the Australian Government to support employers, help find apprentices and trainees, undertake the Training Contract signup and registration, and administer any Australian Government Employer Incentive payments.
In WA, contact any one of the following for help, advice on incentives or to arrange signup:
Apprenticeship Support Australia on 1300 363 831 or http://www.apprenticeshipsupport.com.au
Busy at Work on 13 BUSY (13 28 79) or https://busyatwork.com.au/apprenticeships-traineeships
MEGT Perth on 13 MEGT (13 63 48) or http://www.megt.com.au
Group Training Organisations (GTOs)
If your business cannot offer the full range of skills an apprentice needs, the amount of work they need or length of employment required to complete their training, then consider using a Group Training Organisation. GTOs operate as the actual employer, recruiting apprentices and trainees and matching them with host employers. They provide ongoing support to all parties to the contact.
Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)
RTOs support your apprentice/trainee’s training by developing a Training Plan with you and undertaking off the job training and assessment. Sometimes you may need to talk to potential training organisations before you commit to taking on an apprentice/trainee. Issues might include: their capacity; format and frequency of any off-the-job training; regional servicing; availability of Units of Competence; or assessment tasks. You can find out which RTOs might be available by contacting an ASSN.
Need some further assistance?
The FFTITC team is very knowledgeable about apprenticeships and traineeships. Please click here to see how we can help you and then give us a call on 08 9361 2800.