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Gloved hands planting into soil
material and textiles in sewing Studio
Sheep in green pasture
Laying timber flooring
Man working in vineyard looking at grape vines
Basset Hound being treated by male and female Vetheck-Up
Designer in Studio with laptop and notes

Have your say!

Growing Skills for Industry

Our main job is to advise the WA government on the skill and workforce needs of our industries.  


So, we need you to have your say!


We need your feedback to help shape the future workforce of WA.  We'd love to hear your thoughts and ideas to improve the skills of your workforce. 

  • What do you think is needed to improve the skills of your industry?

  • Have you found it difficult finding the right staff member and do you think there are skill shortages?

  • Have you found it difficult accessing quality training?

  • If you are an training provider, what do you think is needed to improve qualifications? 

We are working closely with the WA Government and these are the things we need to tell them.   

So if there's anything that would help improve the skills of your industry, fill out the form below:   

Have your Say!

Thank you for having your say. We will be in touch.

Recent contributions received:

"We find it really difficult to get experienced log truck drivers.  Some drivers think that because they've driven trucks up in the mines, that they know how to drive log trucks.  But it is a different skill all together, particularly in the loading and unloading of the logs".

"I want to know where my apprentice is up to at TAFE, so I can make sure that it connects a bet better with what he's doing in our workshop.  At the moment it's all a bit ad hoc. 

"Our clients are telling us that we need to deliver more content on environmental sustainability.  They believe that there needs to be more training on the use of finite resources, energy and water consumption, and safe disposal of waste.  They are saying that their workers need to be upskilled in these areas but the current training package doesn't focus on this to the degree that they are saying they need".

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If you have any feedback or would like to submit information on Nimble News, please don’t hesitate to contact us.  For ease of publication, all submissions require an internet link.  PDF’s or Word documents will not be accepted.

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