FFTI Nimble News 6 Feb 2018 Featured in this issue: Skill Priority Occupation List: We need your input! The survey closes on 15 February Retail Baking Training Package: The recently revised qualifications, skill sets and units of competency are now published on training.gov.au Ag Chemical Handling, Ag Machinery, Apiculture (Bees), Pest Management: Revised qualifications and units of competency are now available for your review and feedback until 8 February 2018 Building a Better Cow: A 1 day short course at Muresk which will challenge some thought processes producers hold regarding reproductive strategies and herd development Livestock School: An 8 day course at Muresk on the fundamentals of livestock handling and care Jillaroo/Jackaroo School March 12-23rd Emerging Leaders in Agriculture, Technology and Enterprise (ELATE) Block One March 12-16th Diploma of Project Management May 1-4th AgriFutures Australia - Opinion: Greater diversity will benefit rural industries The Conversation: Interesting article “The problem isn’t unskilled graduates, it’s a lack of full-time job opportunities” Call for presentations and papers “27th National VET Research Conference ‘No Frills’ Wednesday 15 to Friday 17 August 2018 – Theme is Skills for a global future: working and learning together For Teachers: Forest Learning: Teaching resources for the Australian Curriculum – Forest and sustainable timber products For Food and Beverage producers: $1 for $1 grants of up to $50,000 for high growth potential businesses
Featured in this issue: Skill Priority Occupation List: We need your input! The survey closes on 15 February Retail Baking Training Package: The recently revised qualifications, skill sets and units of competency are now published on training.gov.au Ag Chemical Handling, Ag Machinery, Apiculture (Bees), Pest Management: Revised qualifications and units of competency are now available for your review and feedback until 8 February 2018 Building a Better Cow: A 1 day short course at Muresk which will challenge some thought processes producers hold regarding reproductive strategies and herd development Livestock School: An 8 day course at Muresk on the fundamentals of livestock handling and care Jillaroo/Jackaroo School March 12-23rd Emerging Leaders in Agriculture, Technology and Enterprise (ELATE) Block One March 12-16th Diploma of Project Management May 1-4th AgriFutures Australia - Opinion: Greater diversity will benefit rural industries The Conversation: Interesting article “The problem isn’t unskilled graduates, it’s a lack of full-time job opportunities” Call for presentations and papers “27th National VET Research Conference ‘No Frills’ Wednesday 15 to Friday 17 August 2018 – Theme is Skills for a global future: working and learning together For Teachers: Forest Learning: Teaching resources for the Australian Curriculum – Forest and sustainable timber products For Food and Beverage producers: $1 for $1 grants of up to $50,000 for high growth potential businesses