FFTI Nimble News 5 Jun 2018 Featured in this issue: Australian Jobs 2018 is now available. This publication provides an overview of trends in the Australian labour market For businesses: employment initiatives and financial incentives to help you hire staff Fairwork Australia - Employment Guidelines for Employers and Apprentices/Trainees For career practitioners – Australian Apprenticeships Pathways Job Pathways Charts – visualized pathways for occupations Muresk Institute – FarmSmart Showcase is a FREE one day event featuring the latest agricultural innovations, technologies and upskilling opportunities. Wed. 13 June 2018 Succession Planning in farming, fishing and food processing businesses: DPIRD is offering a free workshop at Newdegate on Wednesday 8:30am to 3:30pm, 20 June 2018 Seasonal Work Incentives Trial - encourages participants to take up short term work placements in the horticultural industry, to help address the seasonal labour demands of growers Teacher Farm Experience: A two day Program to learn about the latest technology used to produce food and fibre on farms in the Narrogin region. VET sector teachers can apply Australian Timber Trainers Association (ATTA) 2018 Workshop – 30 July to 1 August 2018, Mt Gambier, South Australia PD for Lecturers/Teachers - VDC NEW! Webinar: Engaging students with technology ASQA Training Provider Briefings 2018 - Perth MSF Furnishing Industry Skills Forecast MST Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Industry Skills Forecast
Featured in this issue: Australian Jobs 2018 is now available. This publication provides an overview of trends in the Australian labour market For businesses: employment initiatives and financial incentives to help you hire staff Fairwork Australia - Employment Guidelines for Employers and Apprentices/Trainees For career practitioners – Australian Apprenticeships Pathways Job Pathways Charts – visualized pathways for occupations Muresk Institute – FarmSmart Showcase is a FREE one day event featuring the latest agricultural innovations, technologies and upskilling opportunities. Wed. 13 June 2018 Succession Planning in farming, fishing and food processing businesses: DPIRD is offering a free workshop at Newdegate on Wednesday 8:30am to 3:30pm, 20 June 2018 Seasonal Work Incentives Trial - encourages participants to take up short term work placements in the horticultural industry, to help address the seasonal labour demands of growers Teacher Farm Experience: A two day Program to learn about the latest technology used to produce food and fibre on farms in the Narrogin region. VET sector teachers can apply Australian Timber Trainers Association (ATTA) 2018 Workshop – 30 July to 1 August 2018, Mt Gambier, South Australia PD for Lecturers/Teachers - VDC NEW! Webinar: Engaging students with technology ASQA Training Provider Briefings 2018 - Perth MSF Furnishing Industry Skills Forecast MST Textiles, Clothing and Footwear Industry Skills Forecast