Artisanal Food & Beverage Project 29 Aug 2018

Skills Impact has commenced work on a project to identify and fill gaps in current
qualifications, skill sets and units of competency from the FBP Food, Beverage and Pharmaceutical Training Package.
This project will address food safety and manufacturing processes in the growing artisanal cheese-making, brewing and distilling, and, food and beverage fermentation markets. A focus of the project will be to develop qualifications that provide recognisable training, and address the complex, multi-faceted skills required to safely produce various products for these growing niche markets.
Relevant Occupations include:
Cheesemakers and assistant cheesemakers
Cheese production managers, technicians and assistants
Brewer/distiller and assistant brewer/distiller
Master brewer
Packaging and bottling assistant
Brewery/distillery production manager and assistant
Fermented food processing technicians and operators
Manufacturing technicians
To find out more and/or engage in the project, click here.
If you would like further information please feel free to contact Paul Etheredge
e: or t: 08 9361 2800.