State Priority Occupation List - Summary of outcomes 9 Oct 2018
A big thank you to all those who contributed to our Priority Occupations Survey and Industry Advisory Group discussions earlier in the year.
The Minister for Training and Workforce Development has now endorsed and approved the publication of the 2018 edition of the State Priority Occupation List (SPOL). The methodology for developing the SPOL incorporates a diverse range of data and intelligence sources, including information from the Industry Training Councils. It is a list of occupations rated according to their priority status and it informs and guides workforce planning and development for Western Australia.
The SPOL informs the WA State training plan, which guides the allocation of subsidised training programs into areas of prioritised need. It also informs WA workforce development planning and the WA Skilled Migration Occupation List (WASMOL).
An occupation listed on the SPOL may be assigned to one of five separate priority ratings:
• 1 – The highest level, where structural and market-driven issues are impacting;
• 2 – The next level, where structural and/or market-driven issues are impacting;
• 3 – The next level, where occupations are of future concern and/or where supply is essential;
• Other – Refers to occupations to be monitored: where evidence is inconsistent; and
• Not a priority – Refers to occupations with no evidence for inclusion on the priority list.
The following food, fibre and timber related occupations are listed as priorities (none in Priority 1);
For more information about any of these occupations contact FFTITC on 08 9361 2800 or visit: State Priority Occupation List