New Australian Apprentice Wage Subsidy for REGIONAL employers 1 Jul 2019

There are only 1600 places available nationally from 1 July 2019, so quick action is very advisable.
The Wage Subsidy pays 75% of 1st year apprentice wages; 50% of 2nd year wages and 25% of 3rd year wages. Standard Australian Government and State Employer incentives also apply.
Apprenticeships/traineeships covered include:
Cabinet makers
Furniture Finishers
Floor Finishers (Flooring Technologist)
Wood Machinist (Timber and Composite Machinists)
Butcher/Smallgoods maker
Landscape Gardener
The employer must:
Employ less than 20 (full-time equivalent) people; or
Have not employed an apprentice/trainee in the last 3 years.
An employer will be eligible for the Australian Apprentice Wage Subsidy for one eligible Australian Apprentice only.
There are detailed guidelines attached to this incentive, so interested employers should contact an Australian Apprenticeship Support Network (AASN) provider to discuss their specific case. They can find local AASN providers at
Growing Skills for Industry | 08 9361 2800 |