Nimble News 18 October 2023
A Successful AGM and Forum

Our AGM and forum bought together representatives from industry, training providers, government agencies and unions for an evening of great discussions and food at the WA Rowing Club with its wonderful views across the Swan.
Danielle’s insightful presentation - Engaging the Zoomers - had us all reassessing our values, and looking at the world of work from a young person’s perspective. We also welcomed our new staff member, Bernadette Amos, who will be looking after forest and wood products, furnishing, and textiles, clothing and footwear.
A few take homes from the presentation:
Gen Y and Gen Z already make up over 60% of the workforce.
They expect employers to provide a well organised onboarding experience with structured training.
Flexible working options, tailored to the individual, are highly valued.
They respond best to managers who are approachable, empathetic and have a collaborative leadership style rather than an authoritative one.
Gen Z are more mobile and change jobs more frequently.
Gen Z are digital natives who expect employers to be using the latest technology.
Gen Z are more ethical and environmentally aware than previous generations and look for employers who reflect these values.
Other Nimble News Stories:
National Skills Agreement reached between Federal and State Governments
Department of Training and Workforce Development - Annual Report
Read all about the Department's work, including how it's responding to current workforce challenges.
Grant opportunity: Helping regional communities prepare for drought
It’s National Safe Work Month
October is also Cyber Security Awareness Month
Have your say: New Action Plan for young people in WA
Biosecurity Blitz is back
National Centre for Farmer Health
This organisation has lots of information and resources to help make a difference to farmers’ lives.
Skills Insight: New Workforce Plan
For Broadacre farmers: A handy OHS resource
For businesses: changes to the Privacy Act in the pipeline for next year
For educators: World Teachers’ Day Webinar on The Full Circle of Wellbeing
For anyone helping students through their exams:
We hope that this has been of some assistance.