Nimble News 22 March 2023
Help Save Perth's Urban Forest

Polyphagous shot-hole borer (PSHB) has been detected in the Perth Metropolitan area. PSHB can cause tree dieback and death and may significantly reduce canopy tree coverage in Perth’s Urban Forest.
An information seminar is being held by Arboriculture Association of Western Australia (ArbWest) and DPIRD, 29 March 6.30pm, at the WA Wildlife Education and Training Centre, Bibra Lake.
Open to the Arboriculture, Landscape and Horticulture industries and the Public. Everyone is encouraged to attend and learn more about this significant threat to Perth’s Urban Forest. Bookings essential.
Other Nimble News Stories:
Have Your Say: Forestry stakeholders
Applications for Nuffield Agricultural Scholarships open
An interesting read: 2017 Nuffield Scholar Katrina Sasse from Morawa, spoke to grower’s daughters all over the world about their routes into taking on the family business.
Diversity in Agriculture Leadership Program
Telstra’s Connected Communities Grant Program
New Energy Apprenticeships Program
Financial Assistance for International Students
Have your say: Australian Universities Accord Discussion Paper
NCVER Report: Student Equity in VET
For employers: When do employees need to disclose their medical history?
For RTO practitioners
Webinar for RTO practitioners: A Guide to Conducting Assessment Validations
TAFE Talks webinar: Closing the digital Skills Gap
Event: WA Beekeeping Community Conference 2023
We hope that this has been of some assistance.