Nimble News 29 November 2023
Tell us about your workforce issues
WA Jobs, Education & Training (WAJET) Survey
Every year we provide feedback to the Department of Training and Workforce Development on the occupations and skill needs of our industries. This feedback helps to develop the State Priority Occupation List which influences training availability, course fees and the identification of occupations for WA migration visas.
Last years’ feedback caused many occupations to receive a higher priority rating – talking to us gets results.
Insights from industry on worker shortages, skill needs, and workforce issues are hugely valuable. Get in touch to let us know what workforce issues are arising in your industry.
Consider attending one of our next industry specific meetings running between the 9th and 17th January (online or in person).
Email us and one of our industry consultants will be in touch.
Thank you,
Other Nimble News Stories:
Scholarship opportunity: Women in Non-Traditional Trades
Scholarship opportunity: AgriFutures Horizon Scholarship
New grant program for innovators: Commercialisation Bridge Grants (CBG)
PALM Scheme – Skills Development Program
For start-ups and SMEs: Industry Growth Program (IGP)
Changes to the Farm Employees Award
For livestock businesses: eID infrastructure grants
Skills and Workforce Ministerial Council – What’s next?
Jobs and Skills Australia 2024-2025 Workplan
Are you ready for extreme weather this summer?
Recruitment Strategies Webinar: Hiring Outside the Box
New data: Barriers and Incentives to Labour Force Participation 2022-23
Report: Fixing the hole in Australian education: The Australian Curriculum benchmarked against the best
We hope that this has been of some assistance.