FFTITC Nimble News 7th Dec 2020
Reminder: Lots of incentives from the Government to help businesses with apprenticeship delivery

Other Nimble News Stories:
ASQA: New resources available - Training and assessment in the workplace.
WA’s Pipeline of Work
New report: NCVER Work-based education leads to better employment outcomes
Jobs and Skills Centres now open in Armadale and Midland
“Growth Roadmap” Funding available for Small Businesses
WA Horticulturalist was runner up as national Trainee of the Year.
New short courses to support green jobs
Interesting Read: Nuffield Report “Attracting and Retaining Young People in the Sheep Industry
“The Industry View, part 1: skill standards – more than just a name”
New Aquaculture Development Plan for Western Australia
Handy Resource from Business .gov.au - Hiring employees checklist
Looking for small business advice?
We hope that this has been of some assistance.