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Nimble News 8 February 2023

Industry Workforce and Skill Needs Consultation 2023

REMINDER: We need your advice on the current workforce and skills needs of industry. The information you provide helps identify workforce and training issues, and informs the WA government on trends and developments occurring at industry level.

Is there a shortage of workers in your industry? Is there a shortage of skilled workers? There’s still time to have your say:

  1. Complete our survey: industry stakeholders survey, RTO stakeholders survey

  2. Attend an industry specific online discussion. View our recent blog to find dates and register.

  3. Send us your thoughts, any time,via our homepage.

  4. Call us for a chat.

    • Tamara 0421 483 499 (furnishing, forest and products, textiles, clothing and footwear)

    • Diane 0419 292 404 (food and beverage, horticulture, rural production, conservation and land management)

    • Kay 0408 901 046 (animal care and management, seafood and aquaculture)


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Something a bit different

We hope that this has been of some assistance. Food, Fibre and Timber Industries Training Council.


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